Blog Post

Redgate Summit Comes to the Windy City


I love Chicago. I went to visit three times in 2023: a Redgate event, a volleyball tournament, and a wedding. Each time was a lot of fun and I look forward to coming back at the end of this month.

The Redgate Summit is coming to Chicago on May 29. Three weeks from today! Register today and save your spot. If you get on the wait list, reach out to your account executive as they have their own tickets to give away.

We’ve had two amazing Summits in Atlanta and London and we’re bringing the show to the Windy City. We’ll be covering a wide variety of topics related to databases, across three tracks.

  • New and Future Tech – leveling up skills about database DevOps and teams
  • Deep Dive Solutions – technical talks on innovative strategies for delivering software
  • Leadership – focused on strategic initiatives

We have something for everyone. Technical people, managers, senior leadership, and others. Tell your colleagues and come as a group, taking in different tracks and then discussing them alter.

I hope to see you there and register for the Redgate Summit in Chicago today.

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