Blog Post

Raining Tuesday – Cricket Cancelled – Replication Stinks - SQL BITS VOTE NOW!


Well this was going to be replication post, but I have read it, re-written it, read it, re-written and it still stinks. When I got fed-up of reading and re-reading my stinky replication post I turned on twitter and read a few tweets by active SQL Server community members in the UK, people like Simon Sabin and Neil Hambly and Gavin Payne. They were talking about the SQL BITS conference being held this autumn in York. SQL BITS is a great conference we don’t get many of them in the UK but this is really well run, well organised and well worth your support if you are a database/sql server professional here in the UK.

All the speakers have submitted their sessions, and now its up to us, the attendees to vote on what we want, there is over 90 sessions to chose you simply have to register and you get to vote for ten sessions, I think  the sessions with the most number of votes when voting closes gets picked, democracy rules, think of it as the SQL X-Factor (or SQL Idol for my American friends), but its free to vote and we can think of the organisers such as Simon Sabin and Christian Bolton(to name just two) as Simon Cowell and Loui Walsh (Not sure if we have a Cheryl Cole or Dannii Minogue though!) but I over heard on twitter that only 44 people have voted thus far, I’m one of them, and I think you should be too. To vote for your favourite act simply visit the website sign in, read the abstracts (at most a paragraph in length) and pick the sessions you would like to attend, support the event and the speakers and everyone benefits. And there is no JEDWARD either so just vote for your favourite.

Gavin Payne said that if his session doesn’t get picked he will do a boot leg session out the back:



Now I have never been to York, but when I was at university the people on campus outside in the street projecting their voice on the weekend were usually buskers, don’t make Gavin go SQL busking in October, just vote for him and maybe learn a little Oracle too.


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