If you’re like me, you might be thinking “I want some more things to think about when I migrate between SQL Servers.” … No? Okay, fair enough. There’s a whole list of things to think about when migrating from one SQL instance to another including:
- Logins.
- Jobs/Alerts/Operators.
- Credentials/Proxies.
- Linked Servers.
- Encryption keys/certificates.
- SSIS packages.
- SSRS reports.
- Server configurations.
- Any jobs or sprocs that shell out to the OS, and use specific paths.
- Not to mention third party monitoring, application connection strings etc.
- And I imagine any DBA reading this list could add others of their own…
I came across another consideration today. The SQL server that you are migrating from is acting as a witness in a mirroring configuration. This isn’t something that is immediately obvious – you have to look for it.
Risks: If you lose the witness server you lose the ability for an automatic failover. You will have a partner quorum so mirroring remains synchronised, the principal remains the principal, and manual failover is possible. As soon as a witness is configured – automatic failover is possible again. See here for details.
Checks: My first thought was to check for a started mirroring endpoint, on the source server and potential witness run:
select * from sys.database_mirroring_endpoints where state = 1 and role = 2;
But this isn’t conclusive – it could indicate an endpoint that had been used in the past but is not currently active. A more definitive query is:
select * from sys.database_mirroring_witnesses;
This DMV returns one row for each witness role that the server performs. No rows returned means this server is not acting as a witness in any current mirroring configurations. See here for details.
Mitigation: Script out the mirroring endpoint from the source witness server and run that script on the destination witness server.
Grant the connect privilege to the account being used for mirroring (or certificate if you’re using that method):
GRANT CONNECT ON ENDPOINT::[mirroring_endpoint] TO [principal];
On the principal server remove the witness from the mirroring configuration. This has to be done for each mirrored database.
Again on the principal, add in the new witness to each database mirroring configuration:
ALTER DATABASE [database] SET WITNESS = 'TCP://[system-address]:[port]';
Best of luck with your migrations. I’ve got a few coming up so I probably have still more to discover.