Blog Post

Presenting for Edmonton SQL Server Users Group June 16th


pass_logo_smIt’s a wonderfully busy speaking month! I’m going to be remotely speaking for the Edmonton SQL Server User Group at 5:00pm on June 16th! I plan to start the session with my constantly evolving session – Virtual SQL Servers. Actual Performance. – and moving into more of a round-table format, where all of your questions and concerns about performance, availability, management, whatever, will get answered!

Session abstract: Virtualizing your business-critical SQL Servers should not imply that they will run slower than if they were physical. When properly architected and managed, virtual SQL Servers should be equally as fast as their physical counterparts, if not faster. However, if not properly constructed, silent and seemingly random performance killers can strike and significantly hurt your database performance. This session is packed with many tips and tricks gained from years of experience for getting the most performance from your virtual SQL Servers. The major roadblocks to performance will be discussed and the knowledge gained will help you work with your infrastructure engineers so you can optimize the system stack for performance. Tools, techniques, and processes will be demonstrated to help you measure and validate the system performance of the key components underneath your data.

RSVP at EventBrite here!


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