This post is a continuation of Multiple DB refresh automation using PowerShell post . The OP requested me to automate the login transfer process as well. The script should generate an outfile and execute the file on the target server.
Copying SQL server logins to file is little bit tricky though we are able to generate the script the password need to handled in a proper way to make it work.
Usually we’ll make use of scripts like sp_help_revlogin to manage copying logins from one instance to another but the requirement won’t suffice our purpose it won’t generate the script for server permissions and role assignments.
When you are automating the entire refresh process,PowerShell provides a flexibility to run SQL and generate the scripts in the said path. The SQL file can be invoked using invoke-sqlcmd to to execute it across any target server
The below code loads the snapins
To generate the script
PS:\>Copy-Logins -SourceServer <SourceServer> -outpath E:\OutPut
Generate and apply script on to the target server
PS P:\> Copy-Logins -SourceServer <SourceServer> -outpath E:\OutPut -TargetServer <ServerName>
.Reference Link
function Copy-Logins{ [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $Sourceserver, [String] $TargetServer, [string] $outpath) ##Create a new outfile at query function call [string]$FileDS = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd" [string]$outFile = $outpath +'\'+ $Sourceserver+'_'+$FileTS + "_login.sql" New-Item -ItemType file $outfile -Force ##Prepare the connection string $SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLConnection("Server=$Sourceserver;Integrated Security=sspi;"); $SqlCommand = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SqlCommand; $SqlCommand.Connection = $SqlConnection; Try { ##SQL Account - Executing a SQL is better than working with Hashed value $SQL= " -- Scripting Out the Logins To Be Created SELECT 'IF (SUSER_ID('+QUOTENAME(,'''')+') IS NULL) BEGIN CREATE LOGIN ' +QUOTENAME( CASE WHEN SP.type_desc = 'SQL_LOGIN' THEN ' WITH PASSWORD = ' +CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),SL.password_hash,1)+ ' HASHED, CHECK_EXPIRATION = ' + CASE WHEN SL.is_expiration_checked = 1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF' END +', CHECK_POLICY = ' +CASE WHEN SL.is_policy_checked = 1 THEN 'ON,' ELSE 'OFF,' END ELSE ' FROM WINDOWS WITH' END +' DEFAULT_DATABASE=[' +SP.default_database_name+ '], DEFAULT_LANGUAGE=[' +SP.default_language_name+ '] END;' COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS AS [-- Logins To Be Created --] FROM sys.server_principals AS SP LEFT JOIN sys.sql_logins AS SL ON SP.principal_id = SL.principal_id WHERE SP.type IN ('S','G','U') AND NOT LIKE '##%##' AND NOT LIKE 'NT AUTHORITY%' AND NOT LIKE 'NT SERVICE%' AND <> ('sa')" $SQL2="SELECT 'EXEC master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N''' + + ''', @rolename = N''' + + ''' ' AS [-- server Roles the Logins Need to be Added --] FROM master.sys.server_role_members SRM JOIN master.sys.server_principals SR ON SR.principal_id = SRM.role_principal_id JOIN master.sys.server_principals SL ON SL.principal_id = SRM.member_principal_id WHERE SL.type IN ('S','G','U') AND NOT LIKE '##%##' AND NOT LIKE 'NT AUTHORITY%' AND NOT LIKE 'NT SERVICE%' AND <> ('sa')" $SQL3=" SELECT CASE WHEN SrvPerm.state_desc <> 'GRANT_WITH_GRANT_OPTION' THEN SrvPerm.state_desc ELSE 'GRANT' END + ' ' + SrvPerm.permission_name + ' TO [' + + ']' + CASE WHEN SrvPerm.state_desc <> 'GRANT_WITH_GRANT_OPTION' THEN '' ELSE ' WITH GRANT OPTION' END collate database_default AS [-- server Level Permissions to Be Granted --] FROM sys.server_permissions AS SrvPerm JOIN sys.server_principals AS SP ON SrvPerm.grantee_principal_id = SP.principal_id WHERE SP.type IN ( 'S', 'U', 'G' ) AND NOT LIKE '##%##' AND NOT LIKE 'NT AUTHORITY%' AND NOT LIKE 'NT SERVICE%' AND <> ('sa')" $SqlCommand.CommandText = $SQL; $SqlConnection.Open(); $table = $SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); While ($table.Read()) { $table[0]+' '+"`r`n"+"GO"|Out-File -Append -FilePath $outfile } $SqlConnection.Close(); $SqlConnection.Open(); $SqlCommand.CommandText = $SQL2; $table = $SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); While ($table.Read()) { $table[0]+' '+"`r`n"+"GO"|Out-File -Append -FilePath $outfile } $SqlConnection.Close(); $SqlConnection.Open(); $SqlCommand.CommandText = $SQL3; $table = $SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); While ($table.Read()) { $table[0]+' '+"`r`n"+"GO"|Out-File -Append -FilePath $outfile } $SqlConnection.Close(); } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-host "$Sourceserver does't exist or Invalid SQL instance Name $ErrorMessage" } if (!(Get-PSSnapin | ?{$ -eq 'SqlServerProviderSnapin100'})) { add-pssnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100 write-host "Loading SqlServerProviderSnapin100 in session" } else { write-host "SqlServerProviderSnapin100 is already loaded" } if (!(Get-PSSnapin | ?{$ -eq 'SqlServerCmdletSnapin100'})) { add-pssnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100 write-host "Loading SqlServerCmdletSnapin100 in session" } else { write-host "SqlServerCmdletSnapin100 is already loaded" } If($TargetServer){ try { Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $TargetServer -InputFile $outFile -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-host "$TargetServer not reachable " } } }
Please refer the below link which gives a full list of required details