This weekend, I was working on something that I will blog about later this week. As part of that, though, I needed to download a list of all of the SQL Server MVPs that Microsoft publishes.
A few times back, I just cut-n-pasted these down to get them all out quick and dirty. After reading John Samson’s (Blog | @JohnSansom) The Best Database Administrators Automate Everything, I figured I would take it to heart. This time I would automate it with a PowerShell script.
Below is the script I came up with. It extracts the MVP profile ID and their name and places them in a file at c:\temp\mvp_import.txt.
<#Start up a web client and create file variables#> $webclient = New-Object $file1="c:\temp\download_mvp_html.txt" $file2="c:\temp\item_mvp_html.txt" $file3="c:\temp\mvp_import.txt" Clear-Content $file3 $i = 1 do { $url=";competency=SQL+Server&amp;page=" + $i $webclient.DownloadFile($url,$file1) <#Sift through the file for lines that include hyperlink to MVP profile ID #> Select-String -path $file1 -Pattern "<a href=""/profile=........-....-....-....-............"">[A-Z].*?</a>" -AllMatches ` | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value } | set-content $file2 <#Trim the HTML from the output #> Get-Content $file2 | % { $_.substring($_.IndexOf('profile=')+8, 36) + "|" + $_.substring($_.IndexOf('">')+2,$_.IndexOf(': SQL Server')-$_.IndexOf('">')-2) | add-content $file3 } $i++ } while ($i -le 29)
There is probably a quicker method to extract this data, but it works and got me what I needed.
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