Blog Post

Power BI Custom Visuals Class (Module 76 – Image Timeline)


In this module you will learn how to use the Image Timeline Custom Visual.  The Image Timeline is a great way to display data in order across a timeline.  If you have images of your data you can also display those images on the timeline.

Module 76 – Image Timeline


Key Takeaways

  • It is an interactive timeline visuals with data brush for filtering.
  • Sliding the date brush back and forth and shift your filtered range of values.
  • Each value can be represented by an image when you use the Image URL property.


This Image Timeline is show Nobel Peace Prize winners across a timeline.

  • Under the Format paintbrush there are a few configurations that can be adjusted on this visual.
  • In the Timeline options section you can change the color of the event dots (if you’re not using images) and the time brush. You can also adjust the format of the date being displayed. In this case I’ve only displayed the year out of the date.
    • Optionally, you can change the size of the images based on the measure value you’re displaying.
    • Last, there’s also an option if your images are stored behind a https secure location that you can still display them by turning on Require HTTPS image links.


You can also adjust the background color, add a border around the visual and lock the aspect ratio under the Format section.

Find Out More

You will always be able to find this video module and advanced viewing of future modules on the Pragmatic Works On Demand Training platform.  Click here to learn more about this training platform that includes 30+ courses.

Catch up on all the Power BI Custom Visuals blog posts here.


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