Blog Post

Power BI Custom Visuals Class (Module 47 – Line Dot Chart)


In this module you will learn how to use the Line Dot Chart Power BI Custom Visual.  The Line Dot Chart gives you the ability to make a more engaging line chart that can actually be animated across time.

Module 47 – Line Dot Chart


Key Takeaways

  • This chart has a play button to animate the visual across a date field.
  • A counter is displayed with a running value of the number of entries.


In this Line Dot Chart you see the increase in Income Per Person in Bermuda for the 27 years that data was recorded.

  • Under the Format paintbrush there are several customizations available for the Line Dot Chart.
  • Under the Line section you can adjust things like the line Fill color or Thickness.


  • In the Dot section you can change the color of the dots and adjust the minimum and maximum size they can be.


  • Using the Counter section you can change the title of the counter to something more appropriate.


  • Under the Animation section you can turn off the animation used if you would like or maybe you just want to speed up the animation, which can be done using the Time property.


In addition to these properties you have a set of settings that appears on every visual to adjust the background color, add a border around the visual and lock the aspect ratio.

Find Out More

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Catch up on all the Power BI Custom Visuals blog posts here.


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