To put it bluntly, you need to go cast a vote for Allen Kinsel for the PASS Board.
In his own words, here’s why Allen is running.
Why am I supporting Allen? First, he’s a friend. But ignore that. This isn’t, or at least shouldn’t be, a popularity contest. It’s about getting what you want, what you need, out of the PASS organization. I absolutely believe that Allen has the best interests of this organization at heart. He wants to make a difference for the better. More than that, I’ve seen him working as a volunteer within the organization where he does make a difference, does make things better. He brings passion to the job. If you’ve ever volunteered to help run any kind of organization, you’ll know that one of the single most important things that you can apply is passion. I also think that Allen has a vision for where he wants this organization to go. Even more than that, I think Allen’s vision is the right one. So we’re talking drive, passion, a proven track record and a vision.
What else can I say to convince you? He likes puppies. There. You can vote for Allen Kinsel, lover of puppies.
Or, don’t listen to me at all. Instead, listen to all these people.
Here are the candidates for office. I am actually friends or acquaintances with every one of them. They are all good people. You can vote for three of them. Make one of those votes for Allen Kinsel.
Vote opens on the 25th and closes on the 30th. You are eligible to vote if you are a member of PASS.