Blog Post

PASS Summit Keynote 2 – Release 1



Grant Fritchey taking the stage to talk about the financial health of PASS.

250k members , 170 countries, and 87% global representation – outstanding.

73% return into the community; focused on being a one global community

119 SQL Saturday Events held in 2016; have had pretty solid growth over the course of 2012-2016

Six 24 hours of pass in 5 different languages

A new PASS BA Event in Chicago coming up; be on the lookout for details.

Denise talks about what does PASS mean to you? Interesting question so ask yourself; what does PASS mean to you?

Professionals discover, create, and network those are some of the topics that have been addressed.

Connect….ShareLearn > but as technology progresses and grows so do we.

PASS with a new BRAND……yep that’s right. New shirts are flying out for the new brand.

A new website is on it’s way (work in progress) with a launch date of early next year.

11:45 WIT luncheon today sponsored by SentryOne (ticket required – check with the registration desk)

Speaker idol at 4:45 round 2





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