Blog Post

PASS Summit Content Survey Results


The results of a survey conducted by the PASS organization have been posted (thanks to the Board for all their work, again). Since getting to speak at PASS is a competition, I really shouldn’t be pointing this out, because I’d like to speak again. However, if you’re trying to decide whether or not a detailed discussion of Windows Server 2008 Collation would be more interesting to the attendees than a session on Filtered Indexes (it wouldn’t) you can go check it out on the survey. It should help you make better choices for what the attendees want to see. Of course, if everyone runs off and submits sessions on the same four or five topics, that’s going to open up others. Regardless, this is a service to the attendees because we should get more interesting sessions because of this survey. The survey is also a service to potential speakers because we’re going to be able to decide where to focus our efforts.

But you know what, I really don’t know what I’m talking about, so why don’t you just ignore me and get back to working on your slide deck on Collation, lots of people want to see it, really.


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