Blog Post

PASS Summit 2011 Day 2 – Keynote Live Blog


Today’s keynote with Quentin Clark starts at 8:15am EDT. Click here to watch today’s keynote live. For information on today’s keynote (“a demo-packed adventure across SQL Server solutions that span traditional boxed software, appliances and cloud”) see the page on Keynotes.

8:15 Short series of videos promoting various events, clinics, and more here at the Summit.   Remember the live streamed Women in Technology Luncheon at 11:30PT today!

8:17 Bill Graziano got big cheers for his kilt, and that’s what he started off about….SQL Kilt Day!  They’ve thoughtfully provided a face cutout tableau of three men in kilts, so non-kilt wearers can get their picture taken.

LadyRuna on Twitter: “Saw @midnightDBA – both of them – in a #sqlkilt on the live broadcast :)

8:20 Recognizing volunteers, asked them to stand for applause.   In particular recognized Tim Radny (speaker, mentor, SQL Saturday planner, regional mentor, Summit abstract review team) and Jack Corbett (SQLRally sponsorship and programming, chapter leader, sumit program committee, nomination committee, and SQL Saturday leader).  Time for the PASSion award – Lori Edwards!!! Program committee, Served on Election review committee, hard working volunteer!

8:22 And now the Governance and Financials section. I’ll let you follow along on the stream for this.

 8:26 Series of short videos about what Summit attendees are excited about for the upcoming SQL Server 2012 (codename “Denali”).

8:29 Quentin Clark, corporate VP of Microsoft, walks in to a snippet of “Livin on the Edge”.  We’re talking SQL 2012 today, and that’s exactly what we want to hear about.

There are four server cabinets running up on the stage…in the pauses, you can hear the low roar they’re putting out. Quentin starts “The fantastic 12 of SQL2012″.

8:37 Introduces Bob Erickson, Exec VP of Interlink Transport tech.  The entire blogger table instantly starts checking email, twitter, and Google+. It’s nothing personal, Bob. Basic message: “We have a big business. Outages are bad.”


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