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PASS Data Community Summit: A Personal Journey



As someone attending the event since 2011, I would like to share my personal experience, the value of attending, and how the event has helped me throughout my career.

For decades, the PASS Data Community Summit has supported the data community, and the event itself has been going strong for more than 25 years. Looking back on my experiences, I never realized the ebb and flow the journey would take me on, but the value of attending the conference quickly became evident to me. Each year, I have gleaned new ways to improve technology, data footprints, and beyond learning from expert speakers and industry leaders.

I can still recall sitting in a session led by Chris Shaw around a DBA Maintenance database or John Sterrett’s Policy-Based Management session. The memories of those first few years were eye-opening. It quickly became evident to me that the quiet moments in between sessions were just as important (some call this the ‘Hallway Track’). Each year, I can pick out crucial conversations that happened in between sessions that left a lasting impression. You see, while this is a technology conference put on by some stellar people, it’s just that, the people and relationships built.

My journey has run the full gamut of being an attendee, volunteer, speaker, and past board member, and what I’ve found and learned through it all was that the amount of learning has been off the charts, but the people I’ve met along the way have made the journey something special.

PASS Data Community Summit brought something special that I was searching for at the time, a place where I could hone my skill set, but it became much more. I vividly remember running into an issue at work one day and being able to pick up the phone and call an expert in the field because of the friendship made at PASS Summit to get their opinion.

When you walk through the halls and see all of the people, I can remember being overwhelmed that first year, now, these years later I don’t take it for granted when I look out and see the sea of people, and I can’t help but think there are still more Chris Yates’ out there looking for something. Each year I go back and have the opportunity to speak with more folks, and I’m appreciative to have folks come up and want to talk either about a session I’ve done, spoke at, blogged about, or helped with along the way.

PASS Data Community Summit has been an incredible journey for me, both professionally and personally. The event has provided me with invaluable learning opportunities, but more importantly, it has given me the chance to build lasting relationships with some amazing people in the industry. So, on that note, I’ll see you at the PASS Data Community Summit this year and for many more to come!

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