Blog Post

PASS Call for Nominations


The call for nominations for the PASS Board of Directors is open until Sep 3rd and I want to reiterate my own call for the best and brightest of you to consider submitting your name for consideration. We’ve had a good bit of blogging about it so far:

I hope if you blog, Twitter, etc, that you’ll post something about it, let’s make sure that anyone that might be interested knows about the opportunity – and – drop an email to someone you think would be a good candidate. Imagine that you’re running for the Board yourself – natural to think “am I qualified” and imagine how much a word of support from a trusted advisor would at least address that portion of the decision.

There have been a number of people that have opted out publicly due to various constraints. I get that, really I do. Probably one of my favorite words is “sustainability” and I want people to run that will make time to get their part done. I know personally that hurts at times, and I’ve had a couple months where it was a struggle, and you should expect the same if you join the Board.


The thing is, we’re all busy. We have jobs, employers, businesses, families, and hobbies. We don’t have enough time to do the things we want to do. For the best people it’s always going to be like that, they don’t work 9-5 and then hit the club to play golf for a few hours every day and then home for dinner. So…if not now, when? Can you see the point in the future where you will have time?

Have limitations on what you can do? Put it in your application and let the committee decide. Maybe you can’t make all the in person meetings, or you can’t do calls during work hours, or maybe you can only do one hour per week. As much as we need Board members to work, we need them to think, to collaborate, and to comment more. Tell them what you can do and let them decide if the value you bring to the table is worth the trade offs (I’m not on the committee). Put your name in the hat and if you win, keep the commitments you make and make the best use of the limited time you have to deliver the best value possible. Do the best you can for your two years and then go back to enjoying the ‘slow’ life!

Not sure and want to discuss? I’m available for a call day or evening through next week, and so is Tom Larock (he volunteered in his blog post above!).


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