Blog Post

PASS 2012 Countdown – 2 Weeks To Go


I’m not sure how we got to 2-weeks until this year’s PASS Summit.  If you haven’t registered yet it’s really getting to be time to do that.  It’s really easy to do, click on the banner below and enter your information and your neighbor’s credit card, but I didn’t say to do that.

I was planning to make a new video this week for you to play while getting registered, but I’m thinking the one I wrote for late year is good enough for a repeat (and maybe I’ve been too busy to record a new one)

Now that we’re done hearing me butcher Sinead O’Connor, we need to think about important things… such as lunch. When traveling to conferences, it is sometimes tempting to jump out lunch and grab an offsite meal to recharge and refresh. And let’s face it, any meal made for 5,000 people probably won’t tastes as great as one made just for you.  But there’s a small problem with doing that, you’ll be missing out on some great events that are happening over and during lunch.

Chapter Lunch

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The first lunch of the PASS Summit includes the Chapter Lunch.  This is an opportunity to meet and connect with chapters and members within geographical regions.  If you are new to PASS and the summit, this is a chance to get to know people that you may know from home or establish new contact with people that you may see after the summit at monthly chapter meetings. Chapter leaders and regional mentors will be on-hand as well to help people get connected with others and maybe get you connected to the local chapter.

WIT Luncheon and Panel Discussion

Thursday, November 8, 2012


This year marks the 10th year of the Women in Technology luncheon.  This event is a chance get together with peers to discuss the role of women in technology.  It’s the same lunch everyone else gets in the exhibition hall – with the exception that it comes with swag and prizes.

The topic this year is “Women in Technology: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?”.  And while it will be more focused on the female gender, there is probably some tips that will come up that men can leverage as well.

The panel this year includes:

  • Stefanie Higgins
  • Kevin Kline
  • Kendra Little
  • Denise McInerney

Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Lunch

Friday, November 9, 2012

The final lunch for the week is definitely not one to be missed.  MVPs and SQLCAT architects will be hosting a few tables around the lunch room to discuss and moderate discussions over some good chow.  While the topics haven’t been announced yet, they are shaping up quite well.  Regardless of that, though, this is a chance to corner some MVPs and members of the SQLCAT team and talk with them about their passions.  There are bound to be some desserts shared over this lunch.

So as you are pulling your plans together, be sure to think about lunch.  While you are restocking on energy to get through the afternoon, use the time to meet some new peers and gain some new perspectives.

Related posts:

  1. PASS 2011 Countdown – 2 Weeks To Go
  2. PASS 2012 Countdown – 3 Weeks To Go
  3. PASS 2012 Countdown – 5 Weeks To Go – Addendum


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