Blog Post

Pain of the Week: Understanding Your Indexes


Want to take a few minutes out of your day on to learn a bit more about indexes?  On Thursday, I’ll be presenting at Quest’s Pain of the Week webcast.  The session will be Understanding Your Indexes: Operational Stats.

There’s a lot that goes on under the covers of SQL Server with your indexes. But it’s not as secretive as you may think. Most of this information is made available to you through DMVs.

While this information is useful, you need a clear understanding of what’s in the DMVs in order to know what’s going on. In this session we’ll dive into sys.dm_index_operational_stats to find out what it does and how you can use this information to significantly improve database performance.

As mentioned, the webcast is this Thursday:

Date: Thursday, June 30
Time: 8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. ET / 4 p.m. UK / 5 p.m. CE
Duration: 45-60 minutes
Registration: Thursday, June 30, 2011 8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. ET

Hope to see you online, the webcast will be covering a lot of the materials from my Index Black Ops blog series.

Related posts:

  1. Speaking at PASS DBA Virtual Chapter
  2. PASS DBA Virtual Chapter Tomorrow
  3. Webcast Next Week – Using XML to Query Execution Plans


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