Last week we discussed advantages of recompilation in Common Mistakes in SQL Server – Part 2. This week in this article Common Mistakes in SQL Server - Part 3 I...
2023-10-18 (first published: 2023-10-02)
944 reads
As I have mentioned in prior blog posts, I have been writing a data architecture book, which I started last November. The title of the book is “Deciphering Data...
2023-10-18 (first published: 2023-10-02)
309 reads
First Things First Thank you to everyone who attended my session “Answering the Automator’s Call with Automation.” My slide deck and demo code are now available on my Github.....
2023-10-16 (first published: 2023-10-15)
57 reads
In the technologically driven world of 2024, more individuals are finding themselves drawn towards the intricacies of database management. Central to this booming sector is SQL, a programming language exclusively...
2023-10-16 (first published: 2023-10-04)
460 reads
Welcome to our blog series on using the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2. In this series, we will provide you with practical insights and examples on how to harness the...
2023-10-16 (first published: 2023-10-03)
153 reads
I saw someone struggling with getting started with a Visual Studio project and Azure DevOps. They got a conflict, which I’ll show and then get you started with an...
2023-10-13 (first published: 2023-09-20)
219 reads
Widgets provide a way to parameterize notebooks in Databricks. If you need to call the same process for different values, you can create widgets to allow you to pass...
2023-10-13 (first published: 2023-09-28)
304 reads