In the fast-paced world of IT, where trends like DevOps and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) dominate the landscape, the concepts of Reliability and Observability have seamlessly woven themselves into...
2023-10-25 (first published: 2023-10-10)
475 reads
Last week we have discussed how Null Values can cause a trouble in Common Mistakes in SQL Server – Part 3. This week I would like to draw your...
2023-10-23 (first published: 2023-10-09)
910 reads
Welcome back to the second installment of our series using the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK2. In this post, we’ll dive into working with object data using Pure Storage PowerShell...
2023-10-23 (first published: 2023-10-05)
167 reads
How to Downgrade a SQL Server Database To A Previous Version?
Upgrading a SQL Server database to a newer version is one of the core duties...
2023-10-20 (first published: 2023-10-06)
701 reads
We’ve been doing some events as part of the Redgate Roadshow, and at one of the events, we had a customer ask about something that we demo’d. This post...
2023-10-20 (first published: 2023-10-02)
230 reads