How important is having great soft skills as a Software Engineer for personal growth and career successAs an Engineer, I would like to understand what I need to do to...
2024-06-21 (first published: 2024-05-26)
271 reads
My previous blog post on this topic was Introduction to OpenAI and LLMs, the “what” part (what is OpenAI and LLM), and this blog post will talk about the...
2024-06-21 (first published: 2024-06-05)
671 reads
This is something that I’ve seen pop up a couple of times on various forums recently, how can we export the results of an XEvent session. So I thought...
2024-06-19 (first published: 2024-06-06)
334 reads
In the introduction of this blog post series, I explained the use case: extracting data from the Planview Portfolios REST API using Azure Data Factory. Any tool that can...
2024-06-19 (first published: 2024-05-26)
199 reads
Recently I was trying to delete a folder and kept getting the “something is using this, try again” dialog. It was annoying, but I couldn’t figure out what process...
2024-06-17 (first published: 2024-05-27)
554 reads