How can I quickly get a CU patch for a system that’s out of date? I’ll discuss that situation. You might think you get to patch every instance every...
2024-09-30 (first published: 2024-09-16)
290 reads
The post Why CFOs Can’t Afford to Delay BI Adoption appeared first on Joyful Craftsmen.
2024-09-30 (first published: 2024-09-16)
290 reads
Sometimes your Microsoft Entra ID account (formerly known as Azure Active Directory) is added as a guest user in another tenant. This happens quite a lot when you’re a...
2024-09-27 (first published: 2024-09-19)
191 reads
"Stories are where memories go when they are forgotten" - Doctor Who.(2024-Sep-13) As September quickly moves forward, with schools starting and kids returning to their routines, the memories of the...
2024-09-27 (first published: 2024-09-13)
135 reads
I had an excellent group of people in Gothenburg Sweden when I taught there and I was asked: Can You See Who Forced a Plan? I didn’t know the...
2024-09-25 (first published: 2024-09-16)
120 reads
Data analysis is all about wrangling massive datasets. To do that efficiently, you need a database that can handle the pressure. That's why data analysts turn to relational databases,...
2024-09-25 (first published: 2024-09-14)
71 reads