As I have mentioned in prior blog posts, I have been writing a data architecture book, which I started last November. The title of the book is “Deciphering Data...
2023-05-15 (first published: 2023-05-03)
570 reads
There has been a lot of attention given to ChatGPT and AI over the last month or two. I’ve tried a few things with the public interface at
2023-05-12 (first published: 2023-05-03)
599 reads
At the 12th of May 2023, a new edition of New Stars of Data takes place. If you’re not familiar with the concept, it’s a free virtual event focusing...
2023-05-12 (first published: 2023-05-11)
39 reads
Thank you so much to those of you who were able to attend this three-hour, C# packed session! The Power BI Cruise was an incredible conference, and I cannot...
2023-05-12 (first published: 2023-05-02)
288 reads
Hello Dear Reader! My lastest blog on our Azure FastTrack blog for Microsoft is live, Monitoring Deadlocks in Azure SQL Managed Instance. Here's a little from the blog:To paraphrase Annie,...
2023-05-10 (first published: 2023-05-02)
421 reads