Blog Post

October 2011 LV UG Meeting Update


This is a republish due to a last minute change!!!

We had to reschedule the October meeting due to unforeseen circumstances.  The only change is the date of the event.  The meeting is now Oct 20, 2011.  Livemeeting details remain the same, meeting location remains the same, and the content remains the same – for now.


OK, so it really isn’t that scary.  But it is that time of year and we happen to have something that could fix something that might be scary.

It is time once again for our S3OLV Group meeting.  And this month we have two presentations.

Before jumping into more details on that, here is the rest of what the invite would look like if you received it in email.


Guts N Grime

Presenting for us this month will be Charley Jones and Julie Rasnick.  (Not necessarily in that order.)

Julie is undertaking the ghoulish challenge of teaching us how to partition.  In our world of ever increasing data and requirements to continue to retain more and more data, partitioning could be a scary undertaking – yet very critical.

Charley is going to teach you everything you ever wanted to know about certificates and probably some things you didn’t want to know ;).  Again, this is another one of those topics that should be of high value in this day and age of increased need for data security.

Ignore the date that you see in the image, the meeting is 20 October from 6:30 PM Pacific.

Phantom Hauntings

Many of you will not be able to attend in person.  That is perfectly fine.  Many will be attending the valuable offerings of Summit 2011 – I get that.  Come haunt our meeting anyway.  We are making the meeting available via livemeeting (or would that be deadmeeting?) for any of you wishing to get that little bit of extra content/learning.  I would love to flood the livemeeting servers with 2-300 Summit attendees for the Las Vegas Chapter meeting.

You can join our meeting for free via the following link.

Attendee URL:!!
Meeting ID: 9PWSCW

It’s alive!!

For any of you zombies out there that may not have heard, SQLSat Las Vegas is in the works.  We have reserved a date – March 10, 2012.  We have the venue as well.  Check out my other writeup on it here.  We want to make this event work and hope to see many of you there – spread the word.

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