I drove over to Melbourne on to speak to the group, hadn’t been over in a while. Quick notes:
- 8 attendees, not bad for a small group, and they always appreciate someone visiting
- Same location as before – Sonny’s BBQ. Appreciate the consistency, it’s easy to find/get to. If only the full parking lot was people there to hear me talk!
- I spoke for a little over an hour on 3 topics; Devops, constraints, and journaling. It was fun to do it that way, just a couple slides and sharing some ideas, questions at the end of each section.
- As part of the journaling part I shared some of the pens I’ve been trying out and told the story about how it’s fun to dive into a new topic (journaling, pens) and explore a little. They got to try the pens while I talked about my temporary descent into madness to find a pen or two I liked. I know it’s sounds (and perhaps is) a little strange, but it definitely engaged them.