Blog Post

Natural Born Killers (The series) – Day 5 Key Lookups


To those that don’t know me “Natural Born Killers (The Series)” sounds like a very strange choice for a SQL Server blog title and to be fair it is. Those who do know me, will know that I have been presenting a session this year titled “Natural Born Killers, performance issues to avoid” around the UK. The “Series” element of the title is there because I have decided to serialise the session for the benefit of those who have been unable to see it thus far.

The plan is to release one topic from the presentation each day of SQL Relay 2013. After a little break (not for me I was at SQL Saturday in Dublin) today is the fifth day of SQL Relay, this leg is being held in Cardiff. If you have registered for the Cardiff event you will be able to see this presentation live, so you might want to read this after the event as a reminder of everything that was covered.

Today’s blog entry for me is a pretty easy one, the reason for that is that I’ve already posted on this some time ago. What is nice about the post is the symmetry, not that it looks the same back to front as it does front to back but I presented this topic as a nugget in Microsoft’s London office Cardinal Place as part of an A-Z of SQL in the second reincarnation of SQL Relay back in 2011.

Rather than re-invent the wheel here’s the link to the original:


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