Ok, as myths go, its a pretty weak one. In fact, it is true, this whitepaper explicitly states that. But hand in hand with that statement goes another one, “Table variables will always estimate to one row”. This is most definitely false, if there are no statistics then sql server can, at times, default to its ‘guessing’ of distribution of data based upon row counts. This behaviour can even further muddy the water of the old “Which is better, table variables or temp tables” argument.
To demonstrate this, firstly we need to populate a numbers table
create table numbers
Num integer primary key
insert into numbers
Select top(1000) ROW_NUMBER() over (order by (select null))
from sys.columns a cross join sys.columns b
Now we execute the following code
Declare @TableVar Table
ID integer not null primary key,
Mod10 integer not null
insert into @TableVar(ID,Mod10)
Select top(20) num,num%10
from numbers
order by num
Select tv.Id,num
from @TableVar tv
join numbers
on tv.ID = num
and looking at the execution plan, we see :
drop table IDs
create table IDs
Id integer primary key,padding char(255)
insert into IDs(Id,padding)
Select top(1) num,'xxx'
from numbers
order by num
drop procedure TableVarTest
create procedure TableVarTest
declare @TableVar Table
ID integer not null,
Mod10 integer not null
insert into @TableVar(ID,Mod10)
Select top(20) num,num%10
from numbers
order by num
select COUNT(*)
from AdventureWorks2008r2.dbo.Customer C
join AdventureWorks2008r2.dbo.CustomerOrders CO
on C.CustomerId = CO.CustomerId
Select tv.Id,IDs.id
from @TableVar tv
join IDs
on tv.ID = IDs.Id
where mod10 =0
insert into IDs(Id,padding)
Select top(1000) num,'xxx'
from numbers
where not exists(select id from IDs where id = num )
order by num
exec sp_recompile ids
and then re-execute the stored procedure