I've been hanging around the SQL PASS Summit this week and came to a realization, I do know something...
I don't know it all, but I don't know nothing, I'm definitely somewhere in between. So, I hope to share these thoughts and hopefully help out people in similar ways as I've received (primarily) and given (in small portions) this week.
I'm a SQL Server DBA and have every aspiration of keeping it that way. Through the lifetime of this blog (could be short; could be long) I hope that anyone who cares (all 3 of them, plus my kids) will walk away feeling a little more enlightened.
I'll start short.
One of the small tidbits I've gleaned this week is that doing what one would believe to be an innocuous shrink operation of tempdb can cause corruption; necessitating instance restart. The proper method is to bring the instance into single user mode first. For more information, hear it from the horses mouth: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307487#6
Good luck and happy DBA'ing.