Blog Post

My Election Questions Mystery Machine


So last year in improved transparency move, the board and the nomination committee began posting the questions the noncom asked each individual running for the SQLPASS BOD. Then the questions and scores were published so the community could review them to help them make an informed decision for voting. Things are working a bit differently this year, but following the same thread. In that vein, I?ll be posting abbreviated responses to the questions from last year to help you get to know me better and see what I would bring to a position on the board. My goal is to make my candidacy more relevant to each of you and for you to see ways where I would more directly represent you and your peers in the community. Keep your eyes peeled. These will be coming up soon.


In the meantime follow #PASSVOTES, @Adam_Jorgensen, and check out for all the details on the elections coming up. See you out there!



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