
Mr. Fox SQL Blog…


So I’ve decided that its finally time I took a bite out of the magic apple and started doing some Blogging.

Starting a blog has been on my mind for some time (read years), and I never really got onto it mostly due to timing issues.

As a SQL Consultant I’ve read, accessed and joined in on many blogs over the years and its been (quite frankly) invaluable, so this is an opportunity to share some of my own interesting things that I have picked up over the past years (which is my part to do), and with some patience and luck (which is your part to do) I hope that you find them interesting too!

So this is essentially the first blog post of (hopefully) many!

So stick around and follow if interested – !

Lastly, my personal caveat, SQL is a large and complex product, so keep in mind nothing can be tested or investigated from every angle 100% of the time and so there may be inaccuracies or limitations.  Constructive feedback is appreciated and I can correct where applicable!

If you want to know a few things About Me then go here

All content on Mr. Fox SQL blog is subject to the Disclaimer found here

Rolf Tesmer (aka Mr. Fox SQL)

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