Blog Post

Monday Monitor Tips: Lots of Postgres Options


Redgate Monitor is growing to include more than just Microsoft SQL Server monitoring. We added PostgreSQL support in 2023 and that continues to grow. This post looks at a few changes we’ve added.

This is part of a series of posts on Redgate Monitor. Click to see the other posts

PostgreSQL Monitoring

When we added PostgreSQL support to Redgate Monitor, I assumed that we could monitor most types of PostgreSQL installs. I was very wrong. Apparently everyone that’s forked or used PostgreSQL in different ways has changed how a DBA might need to monitor the system. At first we monitored on-premises installs only, but that’s grown.


We now support RDS. If you search for bluebox, you’ll see a PostgreSQL RDS instance. If you click in the card, you can see the workload, and more specifics on this RDS database.


We also support Aurora, if you use that version. Search for pizza and these cards appear, the right one being Aurora. This is an AWS Aurora database, based on PostgreSQL.



We also support Azure Flex PostgreSQL database. Search for the pgtips database and you’ll see this card.


If you’re in the cloud with AWS or Azure, we have some PostgreSQL monitoring available for you, with more coming all the time.

Give Redgate Monitor a Try

Redgate Monitor continues to change and grow. Look at our demo system at and click the What’s New in the upper right, where you’ll see all the new features, like the PostgreSQL support changes.


You can also see the release timeline for more specific features in each version.


Redgate Monitor is a world class monitoring solution for your database estate. Download a trial today and see how it can help you manage your estate more efficiently.

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