Blog Post

Migrate datetime data to datetimeoffset with AT TIME ZONE


I recently reviewed, worked on, and added a similar example to the DATETIMEOFFSET Microsoft Learn Docs article at the recommendation of my colleague Randolph West, who guessed (accurately) I would enjoy such a task. It was a nice pre-Build diversion.

This topic is one that I have co-presented on in the past and hounded project capstone review presentations about. If you're not storing time zone offset in your date/time data, you're setting yourself up for future pain. That future pain is not what this blog post is about.

One of the big complications of converting date/time data without time zone info is Daylight Savings Time. There are various versions of time zone weirdness around the globe, but in most of the United States, we fall backwards and spring forwards by one hour each year. (This is why the state of Indiana has its own time zone, my dear friend and editor Drew Lanclos noted.)

Simply subtracting the current offset hours to arrive at Eastern/Central/Mountain/Pacific Standard Time will be incorrect for half of each year. This is most invisibly painful when applied to historic data.

How NOT to convert data to datetimeoffset



SELECT @TimeZone = [name]
FROM sys.time_zone_info
WHERE [name] = 'Pacific Standard Time';
--Pretend that audit_created below is a UTC date that needs

-- to be converted to the local timezone for display.

--If executed between Nov-March, 'Bad Strategy' below is wrong for historical dates between March-Nov.
--Between March-Nov, 'Bad Strategy' below is wrong for historical dates between Nov-March.
    UTCDate = audit_created
,   BadStrategy = DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, GETUTCDATE(), GETDATE()), audit_created ) --Don't use!
FROM #audit_created


How to convert data to datetimeoffset

Use the AT TIME ZONE syntax, introduced in SQL Server 2016.


SELECT @TimeZone = [name]
FROM sys.time_zone_info
WHERE [name] = 'Pacific Standard Time';
--Pretend that audit_created below is a UTC date that needs to be converted to the local timezone for display.
    UTCDate = audit_created
,   CorrectStrategy = audit_created  AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE @TimeZone --SQL 2016+ only
FROM #audit_created

In the SELECT statement, the AT TIME ZONE syntax first adds UTC time zone offset to the existing audit_created column data, then converts the data from UTC to Pacific Standard Time, correctly adjusting the historical data for each prior Daylight Savings Time range in the United States.

A longer sample lab for you to try it yourself


CREATE TABLE dbo.audit
(audit_created datetime2(0) primary key)


INSERT INTO dbo.audit (audit_created) VALUES ('1/1/2024 12:00:00');
INSERT INTO dbo.audit (audit_created) VALUES ('5/1/2024 12:00:00');
INSERT INTO dbo.audit (audit_created) VALUES ('12/1/2024 12:00:00');
ALTER TABLE dbo.audit
ADD audit_created_offset datetimeoffset(0) NULL




SELECT @TimeZone = [name]
FROM sys.time_zone_info
WHERE [name] = 'Pacific Standard Time';


UPDATE dbo.audit
SET audit_created_offset = audit_created AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE @TimeZone
WHERE audit_created_offset is NULL
SELECT * FROM dbo.audit
audit_created audit_created_offset

2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 04:00:00 -08:00

2024-05-01 12:00:00 2024-05-01 05:00:00 -07:00

2024-12-01 12:00:00 2024-12-01 04:00:00 -08:00

Note how the January and December dates were shifted to UTC -08:00, but the May date was shifted to UTC -07:00.

Pre-2016 lab

Pre-2016 was infinitely more pleasant than the present day in many ways. Time zone conversion is not one of them.
Trying to do this while working in a version of SQL Server prior to 2016? My condolences, but here's the solution I worked out a five years ago when I was in the same situation, and could not use AT TIME ZONE.
--This lab demonstrates a common antipattern for converting UTC to the local timezone.
--Will work <SQL 2016. Optional code at end to uncomment if SQL 2016+
--Create the DST population table in comment below at bottom. This could be useful for your apps pre-SQL2016.


declare @audit_created table
(audit_created datetime2(0))


insert into @audit_created (audit_created)
 ('3/12/2017 03:00')
,('3/12/2017 04:00')
,('3/12/2017 05:00') --This will be wrong in the the Incorrect pre2016 method if we are currently in DST (March-Nov)
,('3/12/2017 06:00')
,('3/12/2017 07:00')
,('3/12/2017 08:00')
,('3/12/2017 09:00')
,('11/5/2017 03:00')
,('11/5/2017 04:00')
,('11/5/2017 05:00') --This will be wrong in the the Incorrect pre2016 method if we are currently not in DST (Nov-March)
,('11/5/2017 06:00')
,('11/5/2017 07:00')
,('11/5/2017 08:00')
,('11/5/2017 09:00')
,('1/1/2017 05:00') --One of these two rows will be wrong for Central US Time in the Incorrect pre2016 method. It'll be the one that doesn't match our CURRENT DST setting.
,('6/1/2017 05:00') --One of these two rows will be wrong for Central US Time in the Incorrect pre2016 method. It'll be the one that doesn't match our CURRENT DST setting.


,   audit_created_actually_at_UTC               =   TODATETIMEOFFSET(audit_created, 0)
,   Incorrect_pre2016_method_Central_time       =   DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, GETUTCDATE(), GETDATE()), audit_created )
,   Incorrect_pre2016_method_Central_time_date  =   CONVERT(date, DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, GETUTCDATE(), GETDATE()), audit_created ))
,   Correct_pre2016_method_Central_time         =
    SWITCHOFFSET(TODATETIMEOFFSET(audit_created, 0),  CASE WHEN EXISTS (select * from dbo.DSTDates where BeginDate<=TODATETIMEOFFSET(audit_created, 0) and EndDate>TODATETIMEOFFSET(audit_created, 0))
                                                            THEN -300 -- -5:00, CDT
                                                            ELSE -360 -- -6:00, CST
,   Correct_pre2016_method_Central_time_date    =   CONVERT(DATE,
    SWITCHOFFSET(TODATETIMEOFFSET(audit_created, 0),  CASE WHEN EXISTS (select * from dbo.DSTDates where BeginDate<=TODATETIMEOFFSET(audit_created, 0) and EndDate>TODATETIMEOFFSET(audit_created, 0))
                                                            THEN -300 -- -5:00, CDT
                                                            ELSE -360 -- -6:00, CST


--Uncomment the following two rows for the right way to do this in SQL 2016+
--,    Correct_2016_method              =   audit_created  AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'Central Standard Time'
--,    Correct_2016_method__date        =   convert(date,  (audit_created AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'  AT TIME ZONE 'Central Standard Time'))
from @audit_created as A


--Here's a table of DST dates since 1970 to share at parties and impress your friends.
 (  BeginDate datetimeoffset(0)
 ,  EndDate datetimeoffset(0)
 CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IDX_CL_DSTDates on dbo.DSTDates (BeginDate, EndDate)
  INSERT INTO dbo.DSTDates (BeginDate, EndDate)
 ('4/26/1970 02:00 -06:00','10/25/1970 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/25/1971 02:00 -06:00','10/31/1971 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/30/1972 02:00 -06:00','10/29/1972 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/29/1973 02:00 -06:00','10/28/1973 02:00 -05:00'),
('1/6/1974 02:00 -06:00','10/27/1974 02:00 -05:00'),
('2/23/1975 02:00 -06:00','10/26/1975 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/25/1976 02:00 -06:00','10/31/1976 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/24/1977 02:00 -06:00','10/30/1977 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/30/1978 02:00 -06:00','10/29/1978 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/29/1979 02:00 -06:00','10/28/1979 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/27/1980 02:00 -06:00','10/26/1980 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/26/1981 02:00 -06:00','10/25/1981 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/25/1982 02:00 -06:00','10/31/1982 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/24/1983 02:00 -06:00','10/30/1983 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/29/1984 02:00 -06:00','10/28/1984 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/28/1985 02:00 -06:00','10/27/1985 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/27/1986 02:00 -06:00','10/26/1986 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/5/1987 02:00 -06:00','10/25/1987 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/3/1988 02:00 -06:00','10/30/1988 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/2/1989 02:00 -06:00','10/29/1989 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/1/1990 02:00 -06:00','10/28/1990 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/7/1991 02:00 -06:00','10/27/1991 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/5/1992 02:00 -06:00','10/25/1992 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/4/1993 02:00 -06:00','10/31/1993 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/3/1994 02:00 -06:00','10/30/1994 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/2/1995 02:00 -06:00','10/29/1995 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/7/1996 02:00 -06:00','10/27/1996 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/6/1997 02:00 -06:00','10/26/1997 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/5/1998 02:00 -06:00','10/25/1998 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/4/1999 02:00 -06:00','10/31/1999 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/2/2000 02:00 -06:00','10/29/2000 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/1/2001 02:00 -06:00','10/28/2001 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/7/2002 02:00 -06:00','10/27/2002 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/6/2003 02:00 -06:00','10/26/2003 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/4/2004 02:00 -06:00','10/31/2004 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/3/2005 02:00 -06:00','10/30/2005 02:00 -05:00'),
('4/2/2006 02:00 -06:00','10/29/2006 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/11/2007 02:00 -06:00','11/4/2007 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/9/2008 02:00 -06:00','11/2/2008 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/8/2009 02:00 -06:00','11/1/2009 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/14/2010 02:00 -06:00','11/7/2010 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/13/2011 02:00 -06:00','11/6/2011 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/11/2012 02:00 -06:00','11/4/2012 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/10/2013 02:00 -06:00','11/3/2013 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/9/2014 02:00 -06:00','11/2/2014 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/8/2015 02:00 -06:00','11/1/2015 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/13/2016 02:00 -06:00','11/6/2016 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/12/2017 02:00 -06:00','11/5/2017 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/11/2018 02:00 -06:00','11/4/2018 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/10/2019 02:00 -06:00','11/3/2019 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/8/2020 02:00 -06:00','11/1/2020 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/14/2021 02:00 -06:00','11/7/2021 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/13/2022 02:00 -06:00','11/6/2022 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/12/2023 02:00 -06:00','11/5/2023 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/10/2024 02:00 -06:00','11/3/2024 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/9/2025 02:00 -06:00','11/2/2025 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/8/2026 02:00 -06:00','11/1/2026 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/14/2027 02:00 -06:00','11/7/2027 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/12/2028 02:00 -06:00','11/5/2028 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/11/2029 02:00 -06:00','11/4/2029 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/10/2030 02:00 -06:00','11/3/2030 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/9/2031 02:00 -06:00','11/2/2031 02:00 -05:00'),
('3/14/2032 02:00 -06:00','11/7/2032 02:00 -05:00')


Yes, I know this blog post could have been written in 2016.

Original post (opens in new tab)


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