Blog Post

Microsoft Purview GA menu’s


The new data governance features in Microsoft Purview are now being made generally available as they are gradually rolled out across various regions. You can view the deployment schedule at New Microsoft Purview Data Catalog deployment regions. These enhanced features include business domains, data products, data quality, data product search, data access, health controls, and metadata quality, which I previously discussed in my blog post Microsoft Purview new data governance features.

Additionally, with each region that reaches general availability, the Data Catalog in the new unified portal will receive an updated menu layout. Below, I’ve outlined the key changes to the menu. This will help those of you, like me, who have been using the new unified portal and have become familiar with that layout (for those looking for info on the menu changes between the classic portal and new portal, go to Learn about the Microsoft Purview portal):

Data search –> moved under menu “Discovery” -> Data assets
Data product search –> moved under new menu “Discovery” -> Data products

Data management –> renamed “Catalog management”
Business domains –> Governance domains
Data quality –> moved under Health management
Data access –> Requests

Data estate health –> renamed “Health management”
Health controls –> Controls
Health actions –> Actions
Metadata quality –> Moved into Controls page (edit a control and go to the Rules page)

Roles and permissions –> moved under Settings -> Solution settings -> Data Catalog

Business domains page, dropdown menu on “Business domains”
Business domains –> dropdown removed
Glossaries (classic) –> Catalog management -> Classic types -> Glossaries
Business assets (classic) –> Catalog management -> Classic types -> Business assets
Asset types (classic) –> Catalog management -> Classic types -> Asset types (also: Data Map -> Metamodel -> Asset types)
Managed attributes (classic) –> Catalog management -> Classic types -> Managed attributes (also: Data Map -> Metamodel -> Managed attributes)

NEW menu item:
Discovery -> Enterprise glossary [to search for any published (in any business domain) Glossary Terms, Critical Data Elements and OKRs]

The post Microsoft Purview GA menu’s first appeared on James Serra's Blog.

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