Blog Post

Meme Monday - what the heck? - OK I'll bite!


 Thomas "Tommy Boy SQLRockStar" LaRock proposed a Meme Monday and challenged us to write a SQL Server related story in eleven words or less.  I saw this, and said, what the heck, even the silliest of things, but I'll bite and play along.  But, in earnest, he does seek to inspire others to write, and that is a noble and good thing.  Check out what he's talking about yourself:  I see many have already bitten, so I'll try too.

Given how verbose I can be, this could be difficult.  I recently submitted a draft that wasn't supposed to go over 12 pages, and did it in 13.  See there I go, opening my big mouth - so much for going unnoticed.  (though half of page 13 were references - surely that doesn't count)

I mean, even Twitter, let's you do 140 words! 😛  LinkedIN too!  Should I rhyme?  Do I use internet shorthand lingo, like OMG my DBA is AWOL! LMAO ROFL. 

What should I write about?  At this point, I went WAAY over 11 words to talk about this topic.  What is a meme anyway?  I am not into self-loving narcissism. I didn't name myself Rockstar, you know 😛

Something about SQL-11, Denali - where the 11 word inspiration comes from.  In this world of texting and tweeting, shorthand has been cramping my expressive style!  Remember in school, you must write a 500-word essay?  Now what do they ask for, summarize War & Peace in eleven words or less?  Well - that's easy actually: War IS Hell, Peace is Better. There, I even have 5 words left over.  Not SQL related, but I guess it could be done.

Also, you're supposed to be tagged (which I'm not fond of), but this is a self-motivated exercise.  Although, Matt Velic said if any of your name has M or R or V in it, you are tagged.  Ok, my name is Robert - nuff said.

SQLSat#71. 3 sponsors;1 Gold;2 Bronze;No mention. Its cool.

There's 11 words that just flew out.  I'm really, REALLY, just kidding here.  Sometimes writing tone can seem sarcastic, but that's why sometimes more words are needed.  Less isn't always more.

Hey, the SQLSat#71 team did a FANTASTIC job, hard work and heard all sorts of great feedback.  My contribution was a mere pitance. 

Here's Grant's blog and wrap-up of the event....

Hey, if you attending SQLSaturday #71, and you were in either Mike Walsh's presentation, OR Adam Machanic's presentation, and your name starts with M, W, A or M- you've just been tagged!

Now, back to my otherwise manic mundane monday, and continue with some serious business.  Hey, it's already 11'oclock.  No chiz.


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