Declare @Publisher sysname,
@PublisherDB sysname;
-- Set Publisher server name
Set @Publisher = 'Publisher server name';
-- Set Publisher database name
Set @PublisherDB = 'Publisher database name';
-- Refresh replication monitor data
Exec sys.sp_replmonitorrefreshjob @iterations = 1;
With MaxXact (ServerName, PublisherDBID, XactSeqNo)
As (Select, DA.publisher_database_id, max(H.xact_seqno)
From dbo.MSdistribution_history H with(nolock)
Inner Join dbo.MSdistribution_agents DA with(nolock)
On = H.agent_id
Inner Join master.sys.servers S with(nolock)
On S.server_id = DA.subscriber_id
Where DA.publisher_db = @PublisherDB
Group By, DA.publisher_database_id)
, OldestXact (ServerName, OldestEntryTime)
As (Select MX.ServerName, Min(entry_time)
From dbo.msrepl_transactions T with(nolock)
Inner Join MaxXact MX
On MX.XactSeqNo < T.xact_seqno
And MX.PublisherDBID = T.publisher_database_id
Group By MX.ServerName)
Select [Replication Status] = Case MD.status
When 1 Then 'Started'
When 2 Then 'Succeeded'
When 3 Then 'In progress'
When 4 Then 'Idle'
When 5 Then 'Retrying'
When 6 Then 'Failed'
Subscriber = SubString(MD.agent_name,
Len(MD.publisher) + Len(MD.publisher_db) + Len(MD.publication) + 4,
Charindex('-', MD.agent_name,
Len(MD.publisher) + Len(MD.publisher_db) + Len(MD.publication) + 5) -
(Len(MD.publisher) + Len(MD.publisher_db) + Len(MD.publication) + 4)),
[Subscriber DB] = A.subscriber_db,
[Publisher DB] = MD.publisher_db,
Publisher = MD.publisher,
[Current Latency (sec)] = MD.cur_latency,
[Current Latency (hh:mm:ss)] = Right('00' + Cast(MD.cur_latency/3600 As varchar), 2) +
':' + Right('00' + Cast((MD.cur_latency%3600)/60 As varchar), 2) +
':' + Right('00' + Cast(MD.cur_latency%60 As varchar), 2),
[Latency Threshold (min)] = Cast(T.value As Int),
[Agent Last Stopped (sec)] = DateDiff(hour, agentstoptime, getdate()) - 1,
[Agent Last Sync] = MD.last_distsync,
[Last Entry TimeStamp] = OX.OldestEntryTime
From dbo.MSreplication_monitordata MD with(nolock)
Inner Join dbo.MSdistribution_agents A with(nolock)
On = MD.agent_id
Inner Join dbo.MSpublicationthresholds T with(nolock)
On T.publication_id = MD.publication_id
And T.metric_id = 2 -- Latency
Inner Join OldestXact OX
On OX.ServerName = SubString(MD.agent_name,
Len(MD.publisher) + Len(MD.publisher_db) + Len(MD.publication) + 4,
Charindex('-', MD.agent_name,
Len(MD.publisher) + Len(MD.publisher_db) + Len(MD.publication) + 5) -
(Len(MD.publisher) + Len(MD.publisher_db) + Len(MD.publication) + 4))
Where MD.publisher = @Publisher
And MD.publisher_db = @PublisherDB
And MD.publication_type = 0 -- 0 = Transactional publication
And MD.agent_type = 3; -- 3 = distribution agent