Blog Post

Maidenhead SQL Server User Group – 9th July with Alex Whittles and John Martin


Another month and another evening of top quality free SQL Server goodness for those living/working in the Maidenhead area of the UK.

This month I am being joined by two fellow organisers of the successful SQL Relay events that occurred in June Alex Whittles and John Martin. Special thanks to Alex for taking ownership of the event in his role as chairman. John and I are also working as part of the SQLSaturday #228 Cambridge team which are putting on an event on the 27th and 28th September.

The abstracts for this month’s meeting can be found below:

Alex Whittles – Data Modeling for Analysis Services Cubes


Analysis Services OLAP cubes provide an incredibly powerful platform for the analysis and reporting of complex data. Unfortunately we often find that our source data is not in the right structure to make the best use of the cube’s power. This limits the cube’s functionality, compromises performance and complicates the reports.

In this session we’ll look at a number of different data scenarios that we encounter and explore ways of remodelling the data to optimise it for cubes and MDX. We’ll see how adding functionality into the ETL layer can have a dramatic effect on the functionality and simplicity of the cube.

Level 200


John Martin – SQL Server, the DBA and Compliance


Compliance is something that we are all having to deal with and this is only going to increase with heightened privacy concerns and due diligence requirements in business. This session will cover three of the main areas that you are likely to have to deal with; Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) and the UK Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). I will look at what these standards are for and how they sometimes conflict. Information Heavy and Demo Light, this session will help you identify what you need to keep an eye on and I will show a couple of options on how to monitor who is doing what with your data.


You can register for this free SQL Server event here:


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