Recently, I read this interview "Big Data: Insights Or Illusions?" with Christian Madsbjerg about a use of bias assumptions from big data because of "intellectual laziness and insecurity". Another article "Hadoop Has Failed Us, Tech Experts Say" states that, "It’s (Hadoop) better than a data warehouse in that have all the raw data there, but it’s a lot worse in that it’s so slow.” And in another section, they outline that, "Unless you have a large amount of unstructured data like photos, videos, or sound files that you want to analyze, a relational data warehouse will always outperform a Hadoop-based warehouse".
I really enjoyed reading Martin Lindstrom's "Small Data" book, where along with his intricate data discovery techniques he tried to find a balance between big and small data. Automation of our lives with big data computing and unnoticed sometimes small data points that better descibe who we are. I like this quote from the book, "Big data and small data are partners in a dance, a shared quest for balance".