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Login Failed – Token-based server access validation failed for SQL Server


Login failures are a common item to troubleshoot with SQL Server.  Out of all of the possible log failure reasons one of the most uncommon is “Token-based server access validation failed”.

There are 3 possible solutions to this error and in this article we will go over each possible solution.

Solution 1: The ID does not have the connection grant to SQL.  Run the following to grant connection rights to the ID.


Solution 2: This is a less common solution, but has worked with me in the past.  There might be several groups the ID is associated to and one of those groups has deny permissions.  Resolve the deny permission issue and the login will succeed.  Use the following sql to find the group with deny permissions.

SELECT sp.[name],sp.type_desc
FROM sys.server_principals sp
INNER JOIN sys.server_permissions PERM ON sp.principal_id = PERM.grantee_principal_id
WHERE PERM.state_desc = 'DENY'
Solution 3: After you tried solutions 1 and 2 and are still getting errors, the issue might be something local.  Have the user launch SSMS as an administrator this should resolve their connection issues.

The post Login Failed – Token-based server access validation failed for SQL Server appeared first on VitaminDBA.


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