Blog Post

Leading the Albanian PASS Chapter


Yesterday, I have received the official email from the PASS HQ, and the confirmation that now I'm the leader of the Albanian SQL Server Users Group or Albanian PASS Chapter!

The Albania PASS Chapter will be available and open for all SQL Server users including the Albania and Kosova, where we will have possibility to meet with each-other and to exchange any idea and building the social & professional network within Albanian tech community members!

Our official website is here >>>

You can reach us, also via LinkedIN profile - where you can be a member of our new professional group.

A brief history:

The idea of the PASS Chapter started from PASS HQ members Greg Low and Blythe Morrow together with friend of mine Betim, so on the other side I was started to discuss for the another Chapter because I didn't know that Betim was involved before, then we decided to be as one and being active with the Chapter acitivities. When I started to be more active in the Tech Community, I have seen that we need to be part of that community, then I started to check for the SQL Server community and I found the PASS as large organization. During the search, I saw that many states has it's own PASS Chapter and are involved in the community with the large number of the users, including SQL Users, .Net Users, etc. So, I decide to have such activities also in Kosova and Albanian, so we (Dukagjini & Betimi) are the founders of the Albanina PASS Chapter.


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