Blog Post

Last Weeks Top “Reading” Links #27


2012-01-013For those that follow me on twitter (@StrateSQL), you’ll know that throughout the day I tweet out some links of things I find interesting.  These tweets include “Reading” in the message and are items I’ve read over the past few days, usually after hours when sharing would be less than useful, and spaced out to avoid spamming.  The content of the links usually pertain to SQL Server, technology, and career topics; which I think others would find useful.

Most Popular Link

The most popular item tweeted out last week was:

Last week’s top 10 “Reading” Links

Along with the top link, here are the top ten items that were sent out last week:

  1. Tremors of Psychitude: One Little Trick to Find Purpose and Motivation [129 clicks]
  2. Creating the Genuine Connections We Long For [110 clicks]
  3. B- environment merits B- effort [59 clicks]
  4. Bootstrapping SQL Server bloggers and blog readers with Twitter! [21 clicks]
  5. Create the Habits of Being Lean, in 7 Years [14 clicks]
  6. Star Trek and the Death of IT [12 clicks]
  7. Trapping SQL Server Errors with Extended Events [8 clicks]
  8. Introducing our latest SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Certified Master – David Levy [8 clicks]
  9. Pro SQL Server 2012 Practices: Chapter 17 [8 clicks]
  10. Be Consistent With Your Brand [8 clicks]

Other Stuff Shared

Of course, no week would be complete without a few off-topic links.  These have nothing to do with technology or your career, but they sure are entertaining and interesting.

  1. The Five Easiest Ways to Get Your Identity Stolen [70 clicks]
  2. Did Da Vinci Invent Google Glass? [41 clicks]
  3. This Is Madness: The Star Wars Character Tournament [24 clicks]
  4. 13 Classic April Fools’ Day Pranks Photo Gallery – Volcano [36 clicks]
  5. Joe Szklarski, Colorado teen, falls during escalator helicopter trick in viral video [31 clicks]
  6. Krispy Kreme – The Baddest [22 clicks]
  7. Not lactose intollerant… [13 clicks]
  8. Doctor Who to celebrate 50th anniversary with special movie made in 3D [9 clicks]

Got something you think I should read and share, leave a comment below.  Also, if you want to see all of the links that were tweeted out last week?  Then follow the links on my tumblr blog or subscribe to it’s RSS feed.


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