Blog Post

KQL Series – some DevOps things: Provisioning using bicep


So in my last post I wrote about how to provision Azure Data Explorer using terraform .

In this post I will use bicep to provision Azure Data Explorer.


Step 1: Set up your environment Before you can begin using Bicep to provision Azure Data Explorer, you need to set up your environment. This involves installing the Azure CLI and Bicep. You’ll also need to create an Azure account and set up authentication.

Step 2: Define your infrastructure as code Once you have your environment set up, you can begin defining your infrastructure as code using Bicep. This involves writing code that defines the resources you want to provision, such as Azure Data Explorer clusters, databases, and data ingestion rules.

Here’s an example of a Bicep file that provisions an Azure Data Explorer cluster and database:

param resourceGroupName string
param location string
param clusterName string
param capacity int
resource cluster 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters@2022-01-01-preview' = {
  name: clusterName
  location: location
  sku: {
    name: 'D13_v2'
    capacity: capacity
resource db 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/databases@2022-01-01-preview' = {
  name: 'my-kusto-database'
  parent: cluster
  dependsOn: [cluster]

In this code, we declare four parameters: the resource group name, the location, the cluster name, and the cluster capacity. We then define an Azure Data Explorer cluster using the Microsoft.Kusto/clusters resource, specifying the name, location, SKU, and capacity. Finally, we define a database using the Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/databases resource, specifying the name and the parent cluster.

Step 3: Deploy your infrastructure. Now that you have defined your infrastructure as code, you can deploy it using the Azure CLI. First, run the az login command to authenticate with Azure. Then, run the following commands to create a new resource group, build the Bicep file, and deploy the infrastructure:

az group create --name my-resource-group --location westus2
az deployment group create --resource-group my-resource-group --template-file main.bicep --parameters resourceGroupName=my-resource-group location=westus2 clusterName=my-kusto-cluster capacity=2

This will create a new resource group, build the Bicep file, and deploy the Azure Data Explorer cluster and database.

Step 4: Test and monitor your deployment Once your infrastructure is deployed, you should test and monitor it to ensure it is working as expected. This may involve running queries on your Azure Data Explorer cluster, monitoring data ingestion rates, and analyzing performance metrics.

Using Bicep to provision Azure Data Explorer offers many benefits, including faster deployment times, greater reliability, and improved scalability. By automating the provisioning process, you can focus on more important tasks, such as analyzing your data and gaining insights into your business.

Bicep is a powerful tool that can simplify the process of provisioning Azure Data Explorer. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can quickly and easily set up a Azure Data Explorer.


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