Blog Post

It is Great to Get Feedback From My Readers


I get a lot of emails from people who read my blog, books, articles, and from people who have attended my presentations. I recently received the following email, which I particularly appreciated. While he has kind words to say, what really impressed me about this email was that the writer had taken my recommendations, and then used them as a checklist to follow. While I am not suggesting everyone follow my checklist, I commend the writer on taking the initiative to advance his career by following a specific plan. I think everyone who wants to control their career needs to create and follow a plan, whether it is one created by someone else, or created by themselves. Good work Rodrigo!


Today I got MCITP in BI and I finished the check list in your article:

Well, in the next month I want to start my first book, writing about replication. Do you have some tips on how to become a great writer like you?

Thanks for all,

Rodrigo Crespi


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