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Interview with Craig Mundie on Channel 9


Channel 9 has posted a 25 minute interview with Craig Mundie, Chief Research and Strategy Officer for Microsoft. You can find the Channel 9 page here:

Microsoft Platform Vision in the Post Bill Era: Meet Craig Mundie

It was an interesting interview on several points, so I'll only summarize the things which made me stop and think for a moment.

Mr. Mundie talked about how Live was a change for Microsoft. When you

think about MSN, you might be tempted to say, "They're just expanding

on it to compete with Google and others." Yes and no. Microsoft had

operated under a business model where folks would buy a perpetual

license for a particular version of software. Now they are

transitioning to include a platform with deployed services and

applications. I think back to a few weeks ago when my pastor brought

this up at a men's Bible study. He's in his 60s and I'm in my 30s and

we both understood and accepted this change in how computing seems to

be going. But what was surprising is the young men of the group, who

have grown up around computers, had a hard time wrapping their heads

around this idea that they wouldn't be given a CD to install new

software but rather would connect and receive the software by

connecting online. Those who got Half Life 2 via downloads are probably

thinking, "Yeah, some are already doing that so why is this news." I

guess it's just a reminder that it does represent a fundamental change

in business.

He also commented on changes in the next 3-15 years (that's his range

of focus within MS), and one of the ones he saw coming was our concepts

on microprocessor architecture are likely to change. Yes, we'll still

be able to pack more transistors into the same area, but where we are

slowing down is with respect to clock rate (no pun intended). So how do

you get more processing power? We get it by going to parallel

architectures like we're seeing with dual core. This has an impact on

the rank and file programmer because that means design challenges

around parallel processing won't be relegated to high computing and

large datacenter environments any longer. He also thinks we'll see more

specialized architectures and more diversity in hardware. What this

means for Microsoft is that Microsoft must develop new programming

tools to help developers build highly concurrent applications the right


A question came up about length of release cycles and his comments were

on how software engineering is not much like traditional engineering

disciplines. This is very true. He gave as an example formal

composition. Other engineering disciplines continue to build on the

work of others and software engineering does to a limited extent. But

we don't have very formal structures where we can modularize

components, with structures that we continue to re-use. On the other

hand, look at bridges and buildings and how certain "patterns" are

repeated with just a change in materials. He feels we need to improve

on software engineering as a discipline which is, of course, something

that has been echoed in the industry for quites some time now.

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