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Interview Tip: Know your resume


Seriously. Make a point of reading your resume before submitting it, and again before an interview. I’ve been helping with several interviews recently and we’ve been using comments in the resume to help us target questions to each candidate. Not every question is based on the resume, and not every interviewer does this. But it does happen. And I first learned this the hard way.

Years back, I was interviewing for a job. It was early in my career. No judging! Laughing at me is just fine, but no judging ??.

Interviewer: So, how would you decide what index to use?

Me: Err, I just try different ones until I hit on something that works.

Interviewer: Really? I expected something a bit more methodical?

Me: Why?

Interviewer: Well, it says right here in your resume: “Logically added indexes to improve performance”

Me: Hu, I forgot I put that there.

Needless to say I didn’t get the job.

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