Blog Post

I’m writing a SQL Server security presentation and I need your help.


I’m working on a new presentation titled

Watch Ken solve security headaches in SQL Server.

In this presentation I’m going to pick a handful of common security problems and solve them in demos. How many? Well, enough to fit the time frame. I’ll prepare at least 10, probably quite a few more and keep going until I run out of time.

This is a list of examples of SQL Server security related questions that I get fairly frequently and that I’ll probably be using.

  • Does account XYZ have execute access for stored procedure sp_blah?
  • What AD groups have read access in database DBName?
  • Please copy the permissions for account svcAccountA to svcAccountB.
  • Please copy all of the logins that are associated with DBName from ServerA to ServerB.
  • Please script the permissions for database DBName.
  • Can I have sysadmin access?
  • Jacky has the access I need in database DBName. What AD group should I be added to to get the same access that she has?

Here’s where I could use your help. What are some of the problems you have? Rather than just come up with things that I have to answer all the time, I’d like to know what types of security questions give you headaches?

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