Thanks to Idera and all 239 of you who joined the Idera GeekSync webinar today for my topic on SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101.
Fun fact: Principals and Principles have totally different meanings, but both apply. Principals - in that each login, role, group, user, etc., in SQL Server is a principal - as in an important person, or, in one of the definitions, "a person for whom another acts as an agent or representative." But also, the presentation is about Principles - as in good guidance, or "a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning."
We discussed both! Not only a 101-level intro to authentication, logins and users, but also guidance on migrating and dealing with logins and users, SQL Injection, vulnerability and threat detection, data provider updates, permissions for non-sysadmins, separate accounts for sysadmins, and the nature of permissions in/around SQL Server stored procs, views, and functions.
Got good feedback from Idera on the comments, hope it was a useful and entertaining (albeit fast-paced because of time) review of SQL Server Security and Permissions for you.
PowerPoint available for download here:
Lab scripts for the sproc/view/udf permissions demo: