Every now and again, someone asks if I write romance novels.
Why? Well, let’s ask Bing who Kendra Little is….

To clarify, I am not married, I have dogs instead of children, and I prefer romances about strong women who bring SQL Servers to their knees.
I also don’t think it’s possible to drink too much coffee.
Most of those pictures are of me, but a careful reader will note that the biography at the top references a domain name that, sadly, dear reader, I do not own. Someone out there named Kendra Little gets sweet royalties from her contemporary romance novels, but they don’t come to this address.
I helped Malathi Mahadevan write a different kind of book
‘Data Professionals at Work’ is a new book by Malathi Mahadevan. Mala went out and interviewed loads of data professionals, and talked with us about topics like:

- How to stand out as a data professional
- How to focus on the right things and evolve your career in a fast-changing world
- How to understand current trends and best practices
Mala interviewed an amazing group of people, including
Mindy Curnutt, Julie Smith, Kenneth Fisher, Andy Leonard, Jes Borland, Kevin Feasel, Ginger Grant, Vicky Harp, Kendra Little (THIS Kendra, right here), Jason Brimhall, Tim Costello, Andy Mallon, Steph Locke, Jonathan Stewart, Joseph Sack, John Q. Martin, John Morehouse, Kathi Kellenberger, Argenis Fernandez, Kirsten Benzel, Tracy Boggiano, Dave Walden, Matt Gordon, Jimmy May, Drew Furgiuele, Marlon Ribunal, and Joseph Fleming.
Here is a twitter list with all those awesome folks: https://twitter.com/Kendra_Little/lists/data-pros-at-work/members
Here’s where you can buy the book
Data Professionals at work is way better than a bodice-ripper and is currently available for pre-order at Amazon.com in softcover.
You can also compare prices on the Apress site here.
I can’t promise that my chapter is steamy, but I hope that you enjoy it.