On the MSDN forums I see a lot of questions about how to use program code or command
line script to automate or simplify administrative tasks. Reporting Services has an
extensive API for performing practically any task you can perform through Report Manager
or Visual Studio. Automation script can be used to publish reports, change properties
(for example, changing the data source for a group of reports on the server), create
folders, add, delete or move reports, create or alter subscriptions - you name it.
Here's one example of programmatically deploying reports:
However, the best way I've found to generate practically any code you would need to
replicate or modify the state of the report server is by using an impressive scripting
utility developed by Jasper Smith, called the Reporting Services Scripter. Using this
tool, you can generate deployment and change script for selected objects or every
object on the report server. It works with any version of Reporting Services (through
2008 so far.) You can download a copy for free from www.sqldbatips.com.
Weblog by Paul Turley and SQL Server BI Blog.