Blog Post

Friday Flyway Tips: Git Integration in Community Edition


Redgate added Git integration to the free, Community edition of Flyway Desktop. I saw the announcement and decided to make this post to show how this can work for a new project.

We do need git installed, so head over to the free git download if you don’t have it. From there, install Git and you’re ready to go.

I’ve been working with Flyway Desktop for work more and more as we transition from older SSMS plugins to the standalone tool. This series looks at some tips I’ve gotten along the way.

Source Controlling Your Project

When you start Flyway Desktop Community, you should see the edition in the upper left, as shown here.


I’ll click Open project, and choose one of my existing projects. When I do that, I see all the migrations in the project. I can also select or add a target and run flyway commands from here.


What’s new is the right hand sidebar, which now has the VCS controls. If I click the left arrow in the upper right, I get the sidebar to expand. I can see I don’t have any changes. This bar wasn’t available previously, but now it is.


Let’s make a change. I’ll close this (click the arrow at the top) and return to the migrations screen. I’ll click the “add migration” button (the arrow points to this in the image below).


When the editor opens, I’ll add some code. I’ll also change the name. Notice there are no changes in the right sidebar.


When I save this, all of a sudden, there is a single change in the middle of the bar.


Expanding the sidebar and clicking on the middle icon, I see my one change has been added as a migration script.


I can add a comment and commit this or continue working. When I’m done committing, I can easily push my changes from here to the remote.

I’m manually managing scripts in Community Edition, but I can do it all from Flyway Desktop, including all the version control work.

Flyway Enterprise

If you want to get more from Flyway, try Flyway Enterprise out today. If you haven’t worked with Flyway Desktop, download it today.

If you use the CLI Flyway Community, download Flyway Desktop and get a GUI for your migration scripts as well as version control.

Video Walkthrough

No video walkthrough this week as I’m on the road.

You can check out all the Flyway videos I’ve recorded.

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