Blog Post



I’m a little frantic this morning trying to get caught up on work, lots of stuff piled up, Tia leaving, kids had to get to school, etc. I need to run as well, which I was hoping to do early, but I might need to leave until before karate.

I have a ton of articles to edit, which isn’t my favorite thing to do. A number piled up before my trip to the UK, and I didn’t dent the load that much in the week between that trip and vacation. I’m not looking forward to going through them, and that will take me 30-60 minutes just to sort out.

Adding in another log to the fire is that the kids are off on Fri and Mon. We’re thinking of going skiing in Aspen, but that means mucho work for me this week and Tia’s going to be gone until Wed. Not something that makes me really productive. It’s quiet, but too quiet and I struggle to get things done efficiently.

On a final note, my neighbors are out of town, so I get to take care of tonight:

  • 6 horses (my house)
  • 3 dogs (my own, but easy to free feed)
  • 2 dogs (neighbors, let out, let back in tonight)
  • 1 dog (locked in because he wanders. Makes me sad to see him in there)
  • 2 cats at my neighbors house
  • 3 cats in their barn
  • 2 horses in one pasture
  • 2 cows in another
  • 2 kids of my own to feed. Fortunately the 3rd takes care of himself.


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