If you are looking for a change to get together with other SQL Sever professionals in February to talk about High Availability, then come join PASSMN. We are the Minnesota SQL Server user group that meets in Bloomington, MN.
This is an opportunity to learn about current and upcoming technologies related to SQL Server. It’s also a chance to meet and network with others in the local SQL Server community.
Meeting Details
Here are the details on the meeting location and time:
- Date: February 15th, 2011
- Time: 3:00 – 5:00 PM
- Location: 8300 Norman Center Drive, 9th Floor, Bloomington, MN 55437
Please, RSVP so that we know how much food to have for the meeting. If you can’t make it to the meeting in person, then join us online:
- URL: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/usergroups/join?id=8RFQD5&role=attend&pw=Gwp%2CrC%3E%244
- Meeting ID: 8RFQD5
- Entry Code: Gwp,rC>$4
High Availability & DR Options for SQL Server
A comparison of SQL HA & DR options, by a practitioner who has implemented & managed all the SQL HA and DR approaches (& various combinations thereof). Tim is an operational DBA, charged with keeping SQL servers up & running & optimized, for managed-services customers. We will compare trade-offs between the various SQL HA & DR options: for complexity, usability, hardware requirements, licensing, failover speed, initial costs, ongoing support costs, staff skill requirements, etc.
Also, as you may be aware, Microsoft has announced a set of very powerful “AlwaysOn” features for the upcoming version of SQL (“Denali”), features popularly referred to as “HADRON” (“High Availability Disaster Recovery always ON”). We’ll provide a brief overview of those features now, and will have a full presentation on that later in the year.
Tim Plas is a Principal Consultant at Virteva, in Mpls. His current focus areas are operational-DBA services, storage, cloud computing, & providing level-3 escalation support for IT managed services. Previous specialties in his 25+ years in the IT field have covered Citrix/TS (app hosting), LAN’s / WAN’s / network security, DB architecture, systems analysis & design, app development, systems-level programming, & various IT mgmt roles. Tim has held a variety of MS certifications since 1994.
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