We Speak Linux
I am super excited to be to have launched this website. We Speak Linux is a place for Windows Administrators and SQL Server DBAs to learn more about the Linux operating system. There are plenty of good sources for information about Linux on the internet, but with WSL we wanted to build a community of people with a common goal: Transitioning their skills with the Windows operating system over to Linux. I really think Linux is going to an important skill for Windows people to learn and want to build a community where it is easy to do so. Head over to our website to learn more: https://wespeaklinux.com/. Please come sign up for the newsletter, webinars, and Slack community. We have future plans not yet announced coming as we build the community.
Speaking Mentors
Another great project I am honored to be a part of is http://speakingmentors.com. I found out about this project from Alex Yates (T | B) on the SQL Community Slack and signed up to be a mentor right away. I really could have used this when I first started speaking. The premise is simple if you need help, any help with speaking we are here to help. Rather you are a new speaker or an experienced speaker. You can go the website and pick mentor to help you develop the skills you are looking for. There are over 40+ mentors waiting to help you.